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Chomebrook care

Please bring Chromebooks to Room A112 for cleaning or service when needed.

  • Keep Chromebooks Charged above 5%
  • Do not use window cleaner or water to wash
    • bring in anytime you would like a free cleaning
  • Keep inside a protective case
    • insurance only covers the device if it is protected
  • Do not leave in excessive Cold or Heat
  • Please allow room in backpacks
    • you should not have to JAM your laptop into your backpack
  • Do not put heavy objects on top of Chromebook
  • Make sure there is nothing on keyboard when closing

Student Gmail Instructions

Every student at Waterford Union High School has an email address. This email address is the only approved address for many services here at school. Please log in and check it frequently. It is also important that your school email address only be used for school use. Messages sent to or from this address are archived and can be searched later by the administration when warranted.

Student emails will also be changing effective August 1, 2023. They are now the first 3 letters of last name first 3 letters of first name

If your name is Roger Johnson your email is

From now on, students must log in to their Chromebook using their new email with their old password.

Usually you can check what this address is by logging in to one of the school Windows based computers. In Windows 7 click Start and then the yellow flower icon to see your email address. In Windows 10 it will welcome you with each logon by showing you your email address. This is your full not abbreviated name as entered in PowerSchool during registration each fall. It does not contain nicknames. Either Guidance or the Library can also help you with this.

Your password will be the same as your password for Windows, and is set when you change your password for Windows*. The first time you want to use this account, visit and type in your email address and password. You will be asked to accept the Google terms of service. You can now use this email address on most every Google service, including to log in on school owned Chromebooks. This includes YouTube, Calendars, Hangouts and Classroom.

If you are having problems

• If Gmail tells you “your password was changed xx days ago” – log in to a school Windows computer and then press CTL-ALT-DEL. Choose “change password” from the menu. You can put the same password on all three lines, but you must change your password to get Gmail to synchronize your account. This helps protect your password, since we don’t write it down anywhere.

• If Gmail tells you that your password is incorrect, and it is the same password you are using to log in to Windows, double check you have spelled your email address and password correctly. If you have, there may be a problem with your password. Google requires passwords between 8 and 14 characters long. They cannot contain 3 or more consecutive digits of your first, last or ID number. They must contain an upper case, lower case and number. They cannot be passwords on the 250 or so “most common” password lists, including words like “baseball” “password” or “12345”. Follow the directions above to reset your password to something new that follows these guidelines.

• If you are having any trouble logging in or any Chromebook issues, please stop in the Tech Office in room A112. 

Meet Our Technology Team

Mr. Hegemann
IT Technical Support

Mr. Lilla 
1:1 Coordinator

Monday-Thursday: 7:00am-12:00pm
Friday: 7:00am-11:00am

Internet Use (page 34 of student handbook)